Saturday 28 December 2019

Wonderful milf and seduces teen strap anal Raunchy Redhead Family Gets

Wonderful milf and seduces teen strap anal Raunchy Redhead Family Gets

@OMG Katy Perry drives him
Humanity’s awakening process is further intensifying, as you may well
have noticed. The need to awaken is emerging into the collective human
awareness as the pain and suffering of the illusion, the dream or nightmare in
which it seems you presently have your existence, becomes increasingly
unacceptable. Violent and frequent conflicts and disagreements at every level
of society in every nation and culture are leading to exhaustion and a deep-seated
desire for peace. Those who have been in control for so long are in disarray as
the power they thought they had and owned dissolves leaving them confused and
The nightmare that so many on Earth have been experiencing is drawing to
a close as an era of peace, harmony, and creative cooperation flows in to
replace it. It will be a new and gentle era, very different from the one to
which you have for so long been accustomed, as people come together to join in
love and completely change the way society has been interacting for eons. Housing
the homeless and feeding the hungry is the first priority, then, all across the
planet, work will commence to repair the damage that large international
corporations have done by mining, drilling, logging, dumping toxic wastes, and
by industrial scale farming using utterly inappropriate pesticides and
Humanity is ready for change! And massive changes are occurring that
will completely alter the way humans interact with one another and with the
planet, your earthly home. Your true nature is Love, you know that, but you
chose collectively to hide your true nature from yourselves in order to play
the game of separation in the illusion, but the many games you could choose
from were only possible if you actively and very effectively forgot who you were.
You made that choice, and then renewed it each time you chose to incarnate as a
human on your beautiful planet.
Having forgotten who you were, you became alarmed – many of you today
have memory problems as humans and find this at the least unsettling and,
sometimes, even terrifying – and feared for your very survival. You developed
an ego to advise and protect you from the dangers you imagined surrounded you
and programmed it to be fearful and mistrustful of others and of the world in
general. And this general lack of trust led to secrecy, betrayal and conflict,
conditions that are now endemic throughout the human collective, and to most
the states of constant caution that have arisen as a direct result seem wise
and sensible when you live in such an apparently dangerous environment.
However, the dangers of your environment are but scenarios that you
invented to make your games interesting, and you can remove them at any time
you choose to do so. You are all beings of enormous power, in fact in the terms
of your limited human environment, your powers, were you aware of them, would
seem infinite. You change the environment in which you experience life and you
change the experiences presented to you by the intent that you hold. Your
intent is what you generally think about or dwell upon, but frequently it is at
a level below your conscious human awareness because it is so constant and
unchanging, mostly guided by an underlying sense of fear. It is a little like
the electricity that flows in your homes and powers the appliances, you are
generally unaware of it – although you use it almost constantly – until it

through John Smallman
  • Category
& Politics
  • Licence
Standard YouTube Licence

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